Brewer Buddy Packs

A Great Christmas Gift Idea!
Margo Easterbrook, St. Thomas Partnership in Education Coordinator
Double your Christmas Giving by making a donation in honor or memory of someone special. Brewer Buddy Packs are packets of food that go home in the backpack of elementary age school students living in low income households. We are currently able to send meals home with 80 students every Friday from September to May. Your donation ensures our ability to continue to provide for these children who might otherwise go hungry.
We’ll be doing our best to make this easy for you with a link on the St. Thomas Episcopal Church website ( You can also choose Brewer Buddy Packs on the drop down menu under the heading GIVE - or you can drop a check by the church office. Please be sure to include the name of the person you are honoring/remembering and their address - so we can send a card to let them know of your thoughtful gift.
Buddy Packs for 1 child cost us $14.00 per month.
Buddy Packs for 1 child cost us $126.00 per school year.
Buddy Packs for all 80 children cost us $280 per week.
That’s $1,120 per month or $10,080 for the year
Any amount helps keep us going and any amount makes a perfect gift this season. Contact Margo Easterbrook with questions.
Click here and choose Brewer Buddy Packs to Give Online
Tags: Advent & Christmas at St. Thomas / Serve / Outreach / Adult Formation / Brewer Elementary / Children & Youth / Voices / News