Evensong and Dedication of the Rick McKnight Organ Console and Chambers

Sunday, February 16, 2025, 4:30 PM
Our dear friend Rick McKnight designed the updates to the St. Thomas Organ and played a major role in the entire Making Room for All project. It is fitting to dedicate the new digital organ chambers and remodeled console in his memory. Join us for an Evensong led by the St. Thomas Choir featuring music by several special guests and a piece for brass quintet, percussion and organ commissioned for the occasion. Nursery care provided. Reception to follow. Please bring finger foods for the reception.
Mural Update
As part of the Evensong – and the naming of the Rick McKnight organ and console -- FABArts is sponsoring the creation of a mural in the youth/children's area by the Outreach Center. FABArts is the company that Rick founded to bring arts-integrated education to students. FABArtist Sietske Johnson is creating the mural - with the help of all the St. Thomas family. Sietske has done many of these murals for schools through FABArts but obviously, this one is going to be a little different: full of bright colors, musical notes and staffs, and will contain the phrase
"They shall laugh and sing."
"They shall laugh and sing" has several iterations in Bible verses, perhaps most notably, Psalm 65. The phrase was on a sign on the door of the music school at Norwich Cathedral when the St. Thomas Columbus Choir did a residency there in 2018. Everyone loved it so much that it became a sort of 'mantra' for the choir. And it will be featured prominently in the mural.
The mural started out as a small project for St. Thomas children to do during the Evensong, but it's become much larger, involving the entire family of St. Thomas. Sietske does these murals by doing the prep work, and then people get to come and add a splash of color or fill in one of the musical notes or some part that says, "I helped make the mural."
Shayla Holloway, Children and Families Ministry, and Taylor Mack, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, will be working with children, youth, families, and young adults for them to have their time in helping make the mural. And we want this to be truly an opportunity for ALL St. Thomas folks, friends, and family to ‘make their mark’ on the mural – kids, youth, and adults!
There will be three opportunities to participate and it only takes a few minutes. Sietske will be coordinating the painting at the following times:
Sunday, Feb 16 Evensong 3:45pm - 6:45pm (you can come early or come during the reception.)
Wednesday, Feb 19 Wednesday night supper 6:15pm - 9pm (staying late so choir members can go after choir)
Sunday Feb 23 Services with Bishop Wright - 9am - 2pm
Sietske will have smocks and aprons to protect clothing but unless you’re a really messy adult, you won’t need anything. This will be a welcoming, bright addition to the children and youth’s area and a project to remind us all to “Laugh and Sing” in this holy place.
Tags: Featured Events / Parish Life Events / Worship