My St. Thomas Story Video Project

We are planning a video project later this year to help share the St. Thomas story more widely, and we need your help. Use your smartphone’s camerato shoot a short video. Aim for 30-45 seconds per question. Answer just one or all three!
- How does St. Thomas help you love God?
- How does St. Thomas help you feel loved and love others?
- How do you learn and serve?
- Hold your phone horizontally (landscape), not vertically (portrait).
- Stand close enough to the camera to frame your video from the shoulders up. We’d like to see your face clearly!
- Find a comfortable place to shoot your video. This should be somewhere in which the light source (sun, lamp, window, etc.) can be behind your camera.
- Use your smartphone’s camera app to shoot your video. Aim for 30-45 seconds per question. Answer just one or all three!
- Text or email your video to office@ If you need help with this let us know!
Contact the church office if you'd like someone to film you!
Tags: News