Sunday Adult Formation: Letting Go Bishop Wright’s Lent Series
Monday, February 12, 2024, 1:57 PM
Bishop Wright’s Lent teaching series this year looks at Letting Go in order to embrace the life to which God calls us. Join us on the first four Sundays in Lent to watch and discuss a brief video.
February 18 - Lent 1 - Letting Go of the Familiar
February 25 - Lent 2 - Letting Go of Control
March 3 - Lent 3 - Letting Go of the Church
March 10 - Lent 4 - Letting Go of Condemnation
March 24 - Palm Sunday - Letting Go of the Fear of Death
On Sunday, March 17, we gather in the Parish Hall for an update about Making Room for All.
Tags: Learn / Adult Formation