The Music of Advent

by Debbie Anderson
The glorious music of the season of Advent reminds us, once again, to pray for and prepare for the day that God will live among us. In our hymnal, Advent hymns are the hymns numbered 53-76.
Some are filled with words of longing and expectation.
- 56. O Come, O come Emmanuel
- 54. Savior of the nations, come.
- 66. Come thou long-expected Jesus.
Some announce that the coming of Christ is imminent.
- 59. Hark a thrilling voice is sounding--Christ is nigh it seems to say.
- 71. Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes
- 73. The King shall come when morning dawns and light triumphant breaks.
Some tell us to wake up and be ready.
- 61. Sleepers, wake! A voice astounds us!
- 65. Prepare the way of Zion, your Christ is drawing nigh.
- 68. Watch in expectation! At midnight comes the cry!
All of the hymns remind us of the Advent of the birth of the baby Jesus and also of Christ's second Advent when Love will reign.
I know that some of our Advent hymns may be new to you, but I trust that they will be a path to remembering the astonishing idea that God came to earth and that Love lives among us. This path will end at the stable in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. But for now, wake up! Prepare the way! Remember that Love is here and is also in you! Alleluia!
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