The Ten Commandments: An Interfaith Conversation
Sunday, March 31, 2024, 9:30 AM
The Ten Commandments: An Interfaith Conversation
With Rabbi Beth Schwartz and friends
at St. Matthew Lutheran
Select Wednesdays in April and May
6:30 to 7:30 at St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church (4026 Macon Rd)
Join Rabbi Beth Schwartz, the Rev. Taylor Burton-Edwards, and friends at St. Matthew Lutheran Church for dialogue with the Ten Commandments. The course will explore the Ten Commandments through the lenses of Judaism and Lutheran, Episcopal, and Presbyterian liturgical and catechetical traditions of interpreting and applying them. This is a continuation of a discussion that began at St. Matthew before Lent.
The course meets in Luther Hall (building directly behind St. Matthew Church) beginning at 6:30 p.m. and typically lasts 90 minutes. Coffee and light refreshments are provided. St. Thomas parishioners who wish to eat dinner at St. Thomas or attend Wednesday Eucharist should have time to come to St. Thomas first and then get to St. Matthew by 6:30.
The schedule is as follows:
April 10: "You Shall Keep The Sabbath"
April 17:"Honor Your Father and Your Mother”
(two week break)
May 8: "You Shall Not Commit Murder;" You Shall Not Commit Adultery; "You Shall Not Steal"
May 15: "You Shall Not Bear False Witness"
May22: "You Shall Not Covet"
Tags: Learn / Adult Formation