Wednesday Word from Rev. Grace: Backpack Blessing

Our annual Blessing of the Backpacks is this Sunday at both services. At 9:30, gather for a back-to-school buffet breakfast in the parish hall with time to celebrate the many schools and homes where St. Thomas parishioners learn and work. We will also take pictures to add to our photo directory. Seasonal newsletters will be available for pick up. And we'll have St. Thomas Swag Shop samples available with info on how to order.
Our theme for Back to School comes from our epistle lesson this Sunday - How beautiful are the feet that bring GOOD NEWS.
For this Sunday's sermon, I am asking for your help. What is the GOOD NEWS you hope students and educators will take with them in this school year? I have a few ideas, but I'd love to make this a message from the whole congregation, not just me this week. What is the GOOD NEWS you want to share as a word of blessing for students and teachers?
Send a message by Friday at noon to [email protected] with GOOD NEWS in the subject line. Let's make this Sunday a time of shared blessing for all involved in the holy work of teaching and learning.
See you Sunday!
Tags: Voices / Children & Youth / Youth / Episcokids / Worship