Wednesday Word from Rev. Grace, May 22, 2024
Friends -
On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit showed up in the form of wind, fire, and conversation. On the first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate Trinity Sunday, a day to reflect on the nature of God as an equal and mutual relationship of love: Creator, Christ, and Spirit.
Between these two Sundays, we are trying something new this Saturday night - a church camp out!
Memorial Day weekend is a good time for a camp out. Our nation takes time this weekend to remember loved ones lost in war and gather more closely, often outside, with loved ones still among us.
In addition, the Church Year makes this a good time for a camp out.
- As on the Day of Pentecost, we expect a refreshing wind. Weather reports look good.
- We'll gather around a fire for hot dogs and s'mores. Bring side dishes and non-alcoholic beverages to share.
- We will enjoy conversation. Bring a chair or two and sit out under the new lights in the courtyard. I'm planning to bring some games as well!
- We will gather in mutual love and prepare to marvel on Trinity Sunday at the love that is God.
I hope to see you Saturday night!
Tags: Voices