Wednesday Word from The Rev. Roxane

Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers? I will, with God's help. This affirmation from our Baptismal Covenant encompasses so much of what St. Thomas holds dear. From a pastoral care perspective, it provides a framework for activities we both engage in AND could improve and enhance. Three areas in particular very much need our attention as we are steadily transformed into the image of Christ.
All these ministries involve serving folks among us who have either ongoing or short-term physical and spiritual needs. Each of us are at some point the "least" about whom Jesus talks in Matthew's gospel. At various times, each of us needs the support of others with visitation, help getting places, and all kinds of nourishment.
1) VISITATION. It's my responsibility and great privilege to coordinate Lay Eucharistic Visitors at St. Thomas, and we are in great need of more of you! This ministry involves sharing Holy Eucharist with someone at home, in the hospital, or elsewhere, once a month or more. Sometimes LEV's are paired with one person and sometimes they serve on an as-needed basis. Lots of training, support, and time for reflection are provided.
Visiting those who cannot join us for worship services at church is a holy way to connect us as the Body of Christ, and to continue -- especially in the prayers -- together with someone outside the usual. Want to know more, or to join this wonderful team? Give me a call.
2) TRANSPORTATION. As our parish grows in length and breadth and depth, so does the need to provide our sisters and brothers with ways to get to church on Sundays or Wednesdays, ways to meet counseling, rehab, and medical appointments, and sometimes just a way to get out of the house for a bit of time in a beautiful space. It's time for us to create and maintain a solid system for tending to these needs. Might you like to help me ponder the creation of this ministry, and/or to be an active part? Give me a call.
Providing occasional transportation for those with no access to it is a holy way to care forothers, just as the Jesus and the apostles modeled for us. Fellowship indeed!
3) MEALS. Seems like every time once of us faces a short-term crisis, St. Thomas lovingly scrambles to offer some bread to break (or fried chicken or veggie soup or a coconut pie). Let's get organized around this, which shouldn't be difficult to do. The first thing we need is to have a list of you who are willing to be called upon, with just a day or two notice, to provide simple food for a household once or twice while they're adjusting to things. Thanks for calling or texting me to let me know you can be on that list.
Feeding one another is just about as scriptural and Baptismal Covenant based as it gets, don't you think?
Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers? I look forward to hearing your answer, as it relates to pastoral care at St. Thomas, very soon.
Christ's peace and my love,
Tags: News / Voices / Serve / Serve Our Members / Outreach