
The outdoor labyrinth is located in the natural area on the left side of the drive at 2100 Hilton Avenue that leads into the church. The area is within a residential neighborhood. The labyrinth is wheelchair accessible with a paved path to the site. In the natural area closer to the church is a Peace and Pet Memorial Garden that you may also visit.
A waterproof box is located near the entrance to the path. It contains seasonal meditations, finger labyrinths and instructions for walking with children.
There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. You may walk slowly or quickly. You may stop along the way. If you step off the path you may begin walking again from any point. Because the path leads into the center and back out again, you do not have to worry about making a wrong turn. When you reach the center, you may stand, sit, or kneel on the smooth stones. If someone else is walking while you are walking, you may step around them and then step back on the path to continue your walk. If you are in a wheelchair, you may follow the path or go around the outside circle and then directly into the center.
Download our Labyrinth Guide: A Path of Prayer