Sustaining Creation Care during Eco-Crisis

In the Journey Groups' discussion of the book Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander, we've learned that God intended harmony and balance between God, humans, and the rest of creation, Yet climate change and its disruptions are irrefutable. We therefore need to ask, what are our individual and collective responsibilities to God, each other, and our earthly home with all its resources? Even further, what are the irreversible damages we are inflicting today which are impacting tomorrow's inhabitants and the resources all rely on?
- April 24: What are Our Stories of the Earth?
- To continue the celebration of Earth Day -- we shared interesting, awesome, inspiring, mystical, funny, or sad stories of being in the natural world. Art France facilitated our conversation.
- April 24 Session Recorded Here
- May 1 - Keith Simms - Gardening for Sustenance at Mercy Med: What’s Our Part in Ensuring Healthy Food for Community and How do We Repay Earth’s Bounty?
- May 8 - Christine Difeliciantonio - What is “Refugia” and How do People of Faith Build and Sustain Refugia?
- May 15 - Brian Schwartz - The Interconnectedness of Life
- May 22 - GIPL Team - Advocating for Action with Hannah Schulz, GIPL's Program Coordinator
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