Worship Ministries
Lay Eucharistic Minister
Lay Eucharistic Ministers – often referred to as Chalice Bearers – are people who assist the priest with communion. LEMs process in and out, holding the Gospel for Gospel readings by the priest. LEMs must be baptized members of St. Thomas and are licensed by the diocese. LEMs have the physical ability and agility to serve the communion wine. LEMs vest in robes and are a full part of the service, sitting in the prie dieu (prayer desk) at the front of the church for the entire service. LEMs process in and out of the service with the Verger, Acolytes and Priests.
Lectors read scripture and prayers during worship.
Online Greeter
Online greeters comment on the service on Facebook and YouTube to welcome others who may be watching.
Ushers welcome those coming to worship, distribute bulletins, give directions, receive the offering, count attendance, and ensure that worship flows smoothly.
Vergers organize worship leaders and lead the procession at the 10:30 service. Vergers also serve at special services throughout the year.