Worship in Advent

A new Church Year begins on December 1, the First Sunday of Advent. The year is Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary, with a focus on Luke’s Gospel. We begin each Sunday in Advent with prayers around an Advent wreath led by new members of St. Thomas.
Our 8:30 Eucharist will be Rite I, the older language of the church, to help us center ourselves in a different way in this season.
Our 10:30 Eucharist will continue to be Rite II.
Wednesday Eucharist will continue at 5:30 through December 18 and will resume in 2025 on January 8.
First Sunday of Advent - December 1: Prepare for the Season
Stay after worship on the first Sunday in Advent to make an Advent wreath. We’ll order pizza for lunch, or bring your own meal. Registration is required in order to have enough materials ready. Sign up atstthomascolumbus.org/parish-life-events/
If all goes according to plan, this will be our first Sundayin our remodeled nave.
At both services on this day, we will welcome and introduce new members of St. Thomas and pray for you in worship that morning. Between services we will gather for a Welcome Breakfast in the Parish Hall at 9:30 and celebrate the completion of this project. If you have not yet joined St. Thomas but would like to, complete the form here.
Third Sunday of Advent - December 15 - Thanks to the Rev. Roxane Gwyn in the morning and Lessons and Carols & Christmas Pageant at 4:30
Join us this morning to thank the Rev. Roxane Gwyn for her ministry among us. By her request, we are offering a letter-writing event to bring cheer to many. Following both services, gather in the parish hall to write letters of support or advocacy. Examples and suggestions will be available. Consider writing a note to Roxane as well!
Then return this evening for a beloved St. Thomas tradition! Gather in the new nave at 4:30 for a Service of Lessons and Carols and a presentation of the Christmas story by our children followed by a festive time of fellowship in the parish hall. Bring finger foods to share for the party. Nursery care is available during the service and during the party. A children’s Christmas party will take place in the youth room this evening.